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Are you having trouble logging in to your account or looking to create a new one? This guide will walk you through various methods for successful account access and setup. Please follow the steps below.

Unable to Login? Password Recovery

  1. If you face difficulty logging in, don't worry! You can recover your password using an existing email address by following these simple steps:

  2. Locate and click the "Forgot password" option.

Signing up for a New Account

  1. Head over to the login page and look for the "Sign up" option.

  2. Click it to start creating your account.

  3. You have the choice to create your account using different platforms. Select from the following:

    a. Gmail b. Facebook c. Apple ID d. X

  4. Alternatively, you can create an account using your preferred email address instead. Just make sure to double-check the spelling of your email for a successful account setup.

Password Criteria for Account Creation

  1. When setting up a password for your account, remember to create one that contains at least 8 characters.

  2. To enhance security, we highly recommend using special characters such as @, #, $, %, or &. This will create a strong and reliable password to protect your account.

With this guide, logging in issues and account setup should now be a breeze! Have fun exploring and making the most of your new account.

If you are still having trouble accessing your account or creating a new one, please contact us by clicking here.

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