Meine URL funktioniert nicht. Warum?

  • Aktualisiert

Unfortunately, we do not process files from music streaming services or social media like Amazon Music, Apple Music, Deezer, Tidal, Spotify, SoundCloud, TikTok, Twitter, or YouTube.

To upload a song via a link, the URL must be publicly accessible, such as Dropbox, iCloud, One Drive, Box, etc.

What is the process for changing a private file to a publicly accessible file? Well, it depends on your source. Take a look at some of them:


  1. Sign in to
  2. Hover over the folder you'd like to change permissions for and click the “…” (ellipsis).
  3. Click “Share”.
  4. Click Share with Dropbox.
  5. Click Who can access.
  6. Click the dropdown next to the member you'd like to change.
  7. Select Can edit or Can view.


  1. Select the file you want to share, right-click and select Share.
  2. From the dropdown, click Link Settings.
  3. Customize to whom the file or folder will be shared.
  4. Click Anyone with the link to share broadly.


  1. In iCloud Drive on, select the file or folder you want to share, then click.
  2. Click Share Options, then choose who can access the file or folder, who can make changes, and if participants can add people to the file or folder.


  1. To share externally/publicly (can be combined with internal and external individuals).
  2. Click on Enable shared link.
  3. Under the link box, click the drop-down next to "People in your company".
  4. You can choose People with the link or Invited people only.

If you still need help with this, please get in touch with our Support Team.

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