After you have processed your track separation, follow the step-by-step instructions to export the file:
For easier access, you can click below, according to the device you are using to export your file.
Mobile App iPad App Web or Desktop App Audio Mix x Separated Tracks
Mobile App:
- Tap on the Song Settings at the top right-hand corner;
Then tap on Export (the second option on the list);
- Select if you wish to "Save to device" or "Share;"
- Then select what you want to export:
- Click "Separated Tracks" to download the tracks separately and select the format you want to export your media: MP3 or M4A.
- Click "Audio Mix" to export your complete mix and choose the media export format: MP3 or M4A.
Other actions:
You may also export individual tracks by tapping the ellipsis icon (three dots) next to the track volume and choosing Export.
⚠️ Attention: Files are saved on the Internal Storage in the Music folder by default.
iPad App
- Click the down arrow sign next to the song options.
- Choose the desired export type:
- Click “Separate tracks” to download the tracks separately and select the format in which you want to export the media: MP3 or M4A
- Click “Audio Mix” to export the complete mix and choose the media export format: MP3 or M4A - Click “Export” and follow the next steps to save the file.
Web or Desktop App:
Click the “Export” button.
Select the format you want to export (MP3, M4A, or WAV*). *Available for Premium/Pro users only.
Choose the desired export type:
- Under “Separate Tracks,” you can export only the desired tracks or export all tracks by clicking “Export All.” Exporting the separate tracks will not include changes made to the audio.
- Under “Audio Mix,” click “Export Mix” to export the entire mix as a single media file. This option will also include changes made to the audio (for example, changing the speed or pitch). -
A window appears to select the location where you want to save the file on your device.
A window appears in the lower right corner showing the status of the export.
⚠️ Wait a few seconds when this process is complete. Each browser will have a different export handle.
Audio mix x separate tracks
Allow us to clarify the two available choices:
- Audio Mix: This option exports the entire track, along with all the alterations made, such as changes to the song key or speed. By selecting Audio Mix, you'll receive a complete track without any missing stems. For instance, if you desire a full song without vocals, this would be your ideal choice for file export.
- Separated Tracks: Instead of exporting the entire track, this selection generates individual stem files. However, please note that alterations to the song key or speed will not be reflected in these stems. By clicking 'Export All' located right below this option, you'll receive a single zip file containing all the separated stem files.
With this information, we hope you now have a better understanding of the terminology and can easily choose the best export choice for your project.