Here you will find some extra information to help you in your Moises journey.
When you log into Moises, this is the page you will see, and below we'll tell you what each of them means.
1 — Search bar; This will help you search your songs.
2 — Upload button: That's what you will want to do first, for sure! We'll teach you how to upload in a bit.
3 — You can edit your song, including adding it to a setlist, renaming it, offloading it from the device, or deleting it from the library.
4 — Shows your profile section; we'll show that in detail soon.
5 — Show your list of setlists.
6 — Shows all your songs.
When you access the profile sections, you will see the page below:
1 — Profile settings. This is where you can see some extra features and manage your account.
2 — That's where your email will be shown and where your picture will be if you have one. The picture is connected to the email used to create the account; users can't change the picture in the App yet.
3 — Add your skills. This will help you enhance your practice.
4 — Add your goals with Moises and what you wish to accomplish. That way, we will know you better.
Once you select the Settings option, you will see this page. You can set your account preferences, such as notifications; if you are not a Premium user, you will see the option to upgrade, where you will see our available plans for a Monthly or Yearly subscription.
As you have seen in previous displays, you need to click on the + button to upload a track; once you do that, these pages might display for you, depending on the device you have.
You will choose the best option according to where your file is in your storage and then wait for the file to load. Once that happens, you will see the page to select one of the separations*:
*The available separations change according to your plan (Free/Premium). You can see more about it by clicking here.
Once you have successfully uploaded your track to Moises, it's time for you to play on it and change what you need to change. Here are some tips:
1 — Song options. We'll show you what you will find in that option in a bit.
2 — Where the chords are displayed.
3 — Track settings. You can change the volume up or down (tracks are always at 75% when uploaded). At the 3 dots beside it, you will see the options to play Left or Right.
4 — Play/pause button. Forward/back buttons.
5 — Song Key. This option allows you to change the song key, observing your available plan and how many changes you can make.
6 — Metronome and Speed Changer.
1 — Metronome. You can activate the Metronome, change the volume, select left or right, and add speed to the Metronome in 0.5x,1x, and 2x.
2 — Speed changer. According to your available plan, you'll be able to change the speed of your track.
In the Song Options/Settings, you will see other features available on Moises. The options can change depending on the user's device.
Now, we encourage you to explore the App in order to learn more about it, and in no time, you will know all the features available by heart.