Redenen om u te abonneren op Moises Premium

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Our app is designed to be simple enough for beginners and powerful enough for experienced artists. But what makes our experience even better is that you can enjoy all the benefits of Moises exclusively and unlimited with Premium!

Here are some reasons why you should subscribe to Premium today:

1. Unlimited music

Unlimited uploads of your favorite songs, as per our Terms & Conditions.

2. Track Separation

In addition to the track separation options available for Free accounts (Vocals, Drums, Bass, and Others), you can separate Background Vocals, Guitar, Piano, and Strings with Premium.

3. Extended Files for up to 20 minutes

Load files up to 20 minutes long to make track separations.

4. Faster processing

Premium users have priority to process files.

5. Unlimited metronome

Premium users have our smart metronome available for the entire song, not just the first minute.

6. Detect the chords in real time

With the power of our Artificial Intelligence, detect the chords in an easy, medium, and advanced manner of any song in an unlimited way.

7. Unlimited timestreching

Slow down or speed up the song’s BPM and practice at the tempo that’s right for you.

8. Change the key of any song

Instantly detect the pitch of all your music and adapt according to your goal — no limits.

9. Lyrics Transcription

Play and sing along with your favorite lyrics. In addition, you can combine with chords.
* Met onze Lyrics Transcription-functie kun je de tekst finetunen zonder een enkele noot van de originele audio te wijzigen. Je bewerkingen hebben alleen invloed op wat je ziet, niet op wat je hoort, waardoor de muziek blijft zoals je van houdt.

10. AI-Detected Sections

Easily identify and loop specific parts of the song to make practicing easier.


Practice and play along with the songs you love!

➡️ Become Premium now!

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