Hur exporterar jag metronomen?

  • Uppdaterad

To export the Metronome track, follow the step-by-step below:

Mobile App

  1. Select the song you want to use the Metronome
  2. Enable Smart Metronome (How-do-I-download-the-Metronome-.png)
  3. Mute all audio tracks (vocal and instrumental)
  4. Click "Account Settings" at the top of the page.
  5. Click on "Export," then "Save to device."
  6. Choose the format option.
  7. Ready! Now just wait for the result.

Download metronome Mobile.gif


Web App:

  1. Open Moises in your browser
  2. Select the song you want to use the Metronome
  3. Click on "Export" and then choose the "Smart Metronome" option
  4. Ready! Now just wait for the result.

Metronome download.gif

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