My email / social media account was hacked. How can I recover my Moises account?

  • Updated

Although we understand how frustrating and confusing it can be to lose access to an account, it is important to note that we ensure security in these cases. No change can be made unless we are entirely sure about your identity and account ownership. Since the loss of access to an account unrelated to Moises is not within our power to correct and support, you can do a few things to recover your account.

If your Moises login mode is your email and password, not tied to an easy access button, you can still access your Moises account using the login mode (email + password) and then change your email in the account.

If your login mode is tied to an easy access button (Google, Apple, X, Facebook) and you lost access to that account, you can contact your email server or social media support to understand their policies for hacked accounts. For security reasons, we cannot change an account's email or details; that's only available for the account owner.

However, if you have already contacted the correct support for your hacked account and have not succeeded in recovering it, send us a direct email at since you don't have an account to authenticate with in our Forms. Make sure to send us a request with more details about what happened, the response you've gotten from your email provider or social media support, and the receipt for your subscription so your account can be located, and ensure to mention in your email the sentence “I lost the access to my account, and my login mode is one of the easy access buttons,” so we can filter your request. If you get an automatic email regarding the correct way to contact support, please ensure to reply to that automatic response so we can locate your request properly. If you fail to provide the required information, we won't be able to assist you and move forward with your case.

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