Some email providers might block specific links or email addresses, which is beyond our control. We have observed and can confirm that this issue is most frequent with ...
Follow the step-by-step below to recover your password and account: Mobile App Open the app and tap "Continue with email" On the login screen, tap "Forgot password?" ...
The steps to change your password are the same as the ones you'd take if you forget your password. App Open the app and tap "Continue with email" On the login screen, ...
Are you having trouble logging in to your account or looking to create a new one? This guide will walk you through various methods for successful account access and set...
You can sign in to your Moises account on two devices simultaneously! With the Moises Free or Premium Plan, you can use the same account to access our powerful audio to...
Although we understand how frustrating and confusing it can be to lose access to an account, it is important to note that we ensure security in these cases. No change c...
As you might know, Moises is available to you on different platforms suited for each specific device model, which means that you can adjust your experience according to...
Did you open your account profile and didn't recognize the email you see? Do you need clarification about what it means? Let us help you under...
Discover the convenience of Moises AI across different platforms. We understand the importance of accessibility and flexibility in today's fast-paced world. That's why ...
At times, you may need help verifying your email address. Follow the steps mentioned below to address the common email verification issues. Not receiving your email ve...
⚠️ Attention: You can only change the email from the Moises Web App. This option isn’t available in the Mobile App. Also, to change your email, please use another one ...
The PLAY ALL SONGS function in your settings automatically arranges your songs to play one after the other. This setting is off by default. ⚠️ This feature is only avai...
As a Premium user, you can keep your files stored with us indefinitely, even if you don't access your account for an extended period of time. As a Free user, your files...
Maybe you have a duplicate account, want to take a break from Moises, or just decided to start from scratch with a new account. No hard feelings! To delete your Moises ...
Clearing your cache data can significantly enhance your phone's performance. Often, when numerous files are stored on your device, they accumulate data that can hinder ...
If you have tried to upgrade to a different subscription plan on an iOS device and received the message "In-App Purchases are not allowed," it means that your in-app pu...