How do I improve my track separation results?

  • Updated

Imagine you’re painting a wall, but there are some cracks and rough spots on the surface. You can apply a fresh coat of paint, but if those cracks aren't properly filled in beforehand, they might become even more noticeable after painting. Similarly, in music production, if the original recording has flaws like background noise or distortion, even the most advanced AI tools can't fully hide those imperfections. In fact, when we apply the final mastering process—like adding that final coat of polish to make the music sound its best—those flaws can sometimes stand out more.

While AI can enhance the quality of a track, it can’t completely erase imperfections from a flawed original recording. So, just like with painting, it's crucial to start with the smoothest, cleanest surface—or, in this case, the best possible recording—because any issues present at the beginning will likely still be there after mastering, and they might even become more pronounced.

We always recommend that you upload the best audio possible, such as WAV or FLAC, for example. Uncompressed audio like WAV and FLAC tends to work better than compressed audio like MP3, so our AI can better identify the instruments and separate them accordingly without any interference.

However, we know AI cannot be perfect in all cases, and we are open to hearing your feedback to improve our separation quality so you get the best results possible.

Here's how you can send us a separation quality improvement request:

  1. Submit a request to our support team.
  2. After logging into your Moises account, choose the option “Report a feature error”
  3. Fill out the information, and on the box “Description,” make sure to add the following information: Track Separation Instruments: Which option did you select for Track Separation when you uploaded the file? Mention the instruments selected, which one wasn't to your liking, and why. The more we know, the better our team can work on improvements.
    Original File Details: Provide the name of the original file you uploaded to Moises or send us the file you uploaded.
    Feature in Question: In which specific feature (e.g., Chords, Lyrics, Metronome, Separation) did the issue occur?
    Duration of the Issue: How long have you been experiencing this problem? Is it with the same file type?
    Moises Version: Which version of the Moises app are you currently using? You can find this information on your smartphone near the Logout button. (Note: This is unnecessary for the Desktop/Web App.)
    Computer Specs: Please share your operating system and any relevant hardware details if you're using a computer.

We are always fine-tuning our AI models to work better with a broader range of music genres and formats, but certain details do matter in a user’s results. The more we know about our Musician's usability and needs, the better we will become.

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