I forgot my password. How can I recover my account?

  • Updated

Follow the step-by-step below to recover your password and account:

Mobile App

  1. Open the app and tap "Continue with email
  2. On the login screen, tap "Forgot password?"
  3. Then enter the email you registered within Moises and tap the "SUBMIT" button
  4. That's it! Now, wait for the instructions that we will forward to the inbox of the email you entered 

Web or Desktop App

  1. On the login page, click on "Forgot password"
  2. You will be redirected to the ”Reset Password” page
  3. Enter the email you registered within Moises and click the "Send Instructions" button
  4. That's it! Now, wait for the instructions that we will forward to the inbox of the email you entered

continue with email.png forgot password.png 

submit email.png

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