You can skip to the next song or go back to previous songs.
⚠️ This feature is only available to play songs considered "ready to be played," which means they are fully processed, loaded to your device, and have no errors.
How does it work?
From inside the mixer, users can TAP the ⏩ button to advance forward in the song. Each time it advances 10 seconds.
Play next song
From inside the mixer, you can Long Press the ⏩ button to play the next song.
From inside the mixer, users can TAP the ⏪ to rewind the song. Each time it rewinds 10 seconds.
Play the song from the beginning
From inside the mixer, users can Long Press the ⏪ to play the same song from the beginning. This works when the song is past the first 11 seconds.
Play the previous song
From inside the mixer, users can Long Press the ⏪ button to play the previous song again. The seek must be within the first 10 seconds of the song.