How to select and loop a part of the song (Web version)

  • Updated

You can select and loop specific parts of the song.

⚠️ Looping is available for Premium and free users.


How does it work?

1 - With the cursor over the waveform, you can click and drag to create a section. Make sure you see the white bar over the waveform before you can create your section. You may need to hit "Play” in order to see it.

2 & 3 - You can use both sides to increase the area that your selection covers.


4 - Click on the button 🔁 to activate looping the part of the selected song.

You will notice that when the loop is activated, the color of the selection will turn blue.


5 - You can select another part of the song to loop, but only one can be selected each time.


6 - Click back on the 🔁 button to deactivate the looping.

7 - Double click on the top of the selected area to remove the selection.


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