How do I use Chord Detection?

  • Updated

This feature detects and displays chords for any song in real-time.

⚠️ The AI-Chord Detection is unlimited for Premium and Pro subscribers. For free accounts, it is limited to the song's first minute.

To open Chords on the Web or Desktop App:

  1. Click on Chords in the bottom right-hand corner to view the chords. To deactivate it, you must also click on the chords button.
  2. Chords and diagrams will display automatically in sync with the song.

On the web or desktop app, you can also set the chord view to easy, medium, or advanced.

New chords web.png

 ✨ Tip: You can combine Chords and Lyrics by clicking on both icons for a complete experience.

New chords + lyrics web.png

To open Chords on the Mobile App:

  1. Click on Chords in the middle button under the play icon. Select the first option to display the Chords in bar mode. To unselect it, click on the active icon again.
  2. If you prefer Grid mode, click on the second option on the chords list. To unselect it, click on the active icon again.

new chords mobile bar.jpeg  new chords mobile grid.jpeg

 ✨ Tip: To enhance your experience, combine Chords Grid Mode and Lyrics. On the mobile app, you can change your view to simplified, add a capo, or change the notation; click on Song Settings > Chords and select your preferred options.

Grid and lyrics mobile.jpeg Chords editing.jpeg

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