How do I set up the count-in?

  • Updated

Set the Count-in period that precedes the playback so you can start with the right beat. You can add up to 16 clicks.

⚠️ For free subscribers, the Count-in is limited to 4 clicks a the start of the song.

Web or Desktop App:

Count in new.gif

  1. On the top right-hand corner, click on the Count-in feature
  2. Select the number of clicks you want to start with
  3. Play the song from the beginning, and the feature will provide a visual and audio count

    💡 Use it to practice a specific section of the song: select a part of the song to create a loop and enable the count-in before the part begins playing.

Mobile App:

  1. Open "Song options" on the song you wish to activate the count-in.
  2. Click "Count-in" and select the number of clicks you wish to add for that song. Free accounts can only add 4 clicks.
    Count in mobile.jpeg count in mobile 2.jpeg

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