How do I change the song's tempo?

  • Updated

This feature detects and displays the song's Tempo and allows you to change the speed in real-time.

⚠️ The Audio Speed Changer is unlimited for Pro and Premium subscribers and limited to 20% speed change for free subscribers.

Web or Desktop App:

  1. Click on Speed Change to open the speed changer tool.
  2. Click on the (-) button to reduce the speed.
  3. Click on the (+) button to increase the speed.
  4. Click on Reset to restore to the original speed.

Song tempo.png

Mobile App:

  1. Click on the Metronome symbol to open the speed changer tool.
  2. Click on the (-) button to reduce the speed.
  3. Click on the (+) button to increase the speed.
  4. Click on Reset to restore to the original speed.

song tempo 1.jpeg song tempo 2.jpeg

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