How to Upload and Edit your track using Moises

  • Updated

We will help you with your initial steps on Moises. Learn how to upload and edit your tracks.

Here's an index to make your search easier:

How to upload — Mobile App

How to edit your track — Mobile App

How to upload — Web or Desktop App

How to edit your track — Web or Desktop App

You can upload songs via Import from a public URL, iTunes (iOS devices such as iPhone, iPad, and Apple Computers), the camera roll or gallery, and the Files App.


As you have seen in previous displays, you need to click on the + button to upload a track; once you do that, these pages might display for you, depending on the device you have.

iOS:                                                                    Android:

1_upload_ios.png 2_upload_android.png

You will select the suitable separation option according to where your file is in your storage and wait for the file to load. Once that happens, you will see the page to select one of the separations*:

  • The available separations change according to your plan (Free/Premium/Pro). Click here to learn more.


Once you have successfully uploaded your track to Moises, it's time for you to play on it and change what you need to change. Here are some tips:

Song editing new.jpeg

1—Song options. The explanations below in this article will show you what you will find in each option.

2—That's where the chords are displayed.

3—Track settings. You can change the volume up or down (tracks are always at 75% when uploaded). The three dots beside each track indicate the options to play Left or Right.

4—Play/pause button. Forward/back buttons.

5—Metronome and Speed Changer.

6—Song Key. This option allows you to change the song key based on your available plan and the number of changes you can make.

7—Lyrics Transcription. Please note that editing the transcribed lyrics is available in our Web and Desktop App versions. See more here: How do I use the transcription and edit the lyrics?

8—Chords selection. On the mobile app, you can choose chords that match your needs. We have the regular view; you can check it in the screenshot above or the Grid view. We also have a specific article about this feature: How do I use Chord Detection?

9—Sections. This feature automatically identifies and allows you to loop specific sections of any song. You can learn more about this feature here: How do I use Sections


Smart metronome - Mobile new.jpeg

1—Metronome. You can activate the Metronome by clicking or sliding the toggle.

2—Change the Metronome and count-in volume.

3—Select the channel balance to the left or right, according to your needs.

4—Select the Metronome's speed in 0.5x,1x, and 2x.

5—Speed changer. You can change the speed of your track according to your available plan.

6—Reset all settings to the song's original one.


Song options.jpeg

In the Song Options/Settings, you will see other features available on Moises. The options can change depending on the user's device.

Now, we encourage you to explore the app to learn more about it. In no time, you will know all the features available by heart.



It's very easy to upload your files to Moises; you will see all the steps you need to take.


As soon as you log into Moises, you will see that “Track Separation” is the default option showing. So, if you want to upload a file for that, you can just hit the “New” button on the right side of your screen. You will be directed to another page where you can upload from your device's files or through a URL link. Then, you can click Next to see your separation type. With a free account, you will see 2 options: 2-track and 4-track separation; with Premium, you can select other options according to what we offer for your plan; you can select up to 5 instruments per separation plus the track Other. See more here. For the Pro plan, all uploads are already set for Hi-Fi quality.

If still unfamiliar with our upload format, you can check this article to learn more about Custom Upload.

After selecting the separation type, you will click “Submit” and wait until your task is completed. Once done, it will go back to the main page, and you will see your song in your list. Click on your song and wait a few seconds for it to load completely.

Web app home page new.png


If you wish to use our AI Mastering tool, you need to click on the “Mastering” icon on the left side of your page. Then, you can just hit the “New” button on the right side of your screen. You will be directed to another page where you can upload from your device's files or through a URL link; click on “Next,” and you'll be directed to upload the reference track (Learn more about it here). Once you have uploaded your reference and set your preferences, you can “Submit” and wait for our AI to do all the work for you.

Mastering new home page.png

Please note that Premium and Pro have different mastering options. For Premium, you can only export the reference Mastering you upload to your account. Auto and Advanced Modes are exclusive to Pro.

Editing your track:

This is the page you see when you open your song after successfully uploading it; we'll explain each item below.

Song Page.png

1—Where your separated tracks can be managed. The bar below each track is the volume, which is always at 75% when uploaded to Moises, and you can move the sound up or down. M means mute, and S means solo; clicking M will mute that instrument; clicking S will mute all other instruments and play the one you selected.

2—You will see which track separation you selected, and you can change to another available separation; if you are a Free user, it will be deducted from your monthly processing, so use it wisely.

3—Speed changer: Free users can make up to -10 or +10 speed changes, while Premium users have unlimited access.

4—Song key: Free users can change up to 2 semitones; Premium users have unlimited access.

5—Count in: Add a break before the song starts to prepare for your practice. Free users can add up to 4 clicks, and Premium users can add up to 16 clicks.

6—Export: This is the button to download your work. We will see more details about each option below.

7—Extra settings. You can find a way to rename songs, add songs to setlists, repeat songs, and delete songs.

8—Sections: Easily identify and loop specific parts of the song to make practicing easier.

9—Chords: See the song chords the AI detected. You need to click on it to select it. It is limited to the first minute for Free users and unlimited for Premium users.

10—Lyrics: Our AI lyric generator. When you click on this option, you can choose the song's language, and our AI will generate the lyrics.

11—Play/pause; previous/next. Volume.

Now, you can feel more confident exploring Moises and trying all its features. Explore our Help Center for more helpful tips.

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