How do I find my charge number?

  • Updated

If you need help regarding a payment, you may be required to send the charge/invoice/GPA/Order number, depending on the payment method you used. This guide will help you identify the number our team needs to locate your payment and assist you in a detailed manner. First, you may need to find your receipt; this article should help you.


If you purchased via credit card on our site, you paid via Stripe. The invoice number will be found on your invoice PDF, acquired once you purchase any subscription. See below:

Invoice number stripe.png


If you purchase via PayPal, you'll receive an email with all the purchase details; almost at the end of the receipt page, you'll find the Profile ID, usually showing as X-X1XX11XXX11X.

Profile ID PayPal.png


If you purchase via the Play Store, you should receive an email from their system with the receipt. The information we need is the Order Number, also known and mentioned as the GPA number. The pattern is usually this: “GPA.1212-1212-1212-12121.”

Payment Play Store.png


If you purchase via the App Store, you should receive an email from their system with the receipt. The information we need is the Order ID. The pattern is usually this: “MMM1MM1M12.”

App Store Order ID.png

With accurate information at our disposal, we can expedite the process and provide the assistance you require more efficiently. It is in our collective interest to ensure a smooth and prompt response to your request.

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